School Ethos

In our school we are committed to providing appropriate opportunities for the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural values through both the ethos and the curriculum.  This will be undertaken in partnership with parents/carers and will take account of the individual needs of pupils and the views of parents/carers.

Strath of Appin Primary School and Pre-school aims to provide, in partnership with parents and the wider community, a quality education so that all pupils are able to reach their full potential within a caring, secure environment. Pupils’ achievements are celebrated in class and during assemblies and are shared with parents via the school newsletter.

Our Visions & Values


Do Your Best

Feel Safe

Work Together


We believe and encourage all within our learning community to have the same shared values.



Fairness & Equality




Our Aims

In both English & Gaelic Medium our school aims to ….

  • Provide a secure, stimulating and varied environment for learning, raising attainment for all particularly in literacy and numeracy
  • Enable all children to develop their capacities as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors focusing on closing the attainment gap between the  most and least disadvantaged children
  • Encourage social skills, co-operation and tolerance for the beliefs and views of others
  • Provide an excellent Early Years Curriculum and encourage our Early Years and Childcare children to have active and fun learning experiences
  • Create an ethos in the school where children’s success is recognised and applauded and this in turn motivated the children to feel responsibility for the school, the community and the environment
  • Ensure that the school is an integral part of the community by working closely with parents and members of the community into school and by bringing the school and the wider community together for social and educational events
  • Ensure that all the staff have opportunities for continuing professional development
  • Actively promote health and well-being through the curriculum and whole school ethos

Our school welcomes and encourages diversity and individuality, while emphasizing our common commitment to moral values such as honesty, respect for others, compassion and justice.  Fundamental principles of our school are that all who are involved in the life of our school have the right to be respected as individuals and carry the responsibility to act in a considerate and respectful manner towards others.  We are firmly committed to the elimination of any form of discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, gender or disability.

In our school we are committed to providing appropriate opportunities for the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural values through both the ethos and the curriculum.  This will be undertaken in partnership with parents/carers and will take account of the individual needs of pupils and the views of parents/carers.

School and Community Links

We work with a variety of groups in our community and beyond. Principally we work with our parent and carer group (represented by the Parent Council) ensuring that the views of all of these have a voice in the school. We also link with other community groups that may have an interest in helping to develop good relations eg The local Under 5s Group, Appin Church Group, Appin Community Trust, The Rowan Club, the North Lorn Drama Festival and local groups.

Promoting Positive Behaviour

Good behaviour is essential to good learning.  The general aim of the school is to provide an atmosphere of mutual respect and collective responsibility.  Pupils, parents/carers and staff all have an important part to play in producing and sustaining this positive ethos.  The rules of the school are of a common sense nature, bearing in mind the interest and safety of all concerned.

Our school rules are as follows:-

Good behaviour is essential to good learning.  The general aim of the school is to provide an atmosphere of mutual respect and collective responsibility.  Pupils, parents/carers and staff all have an important part to play in producing and sustaining this positive ethos.  The rules of the school are of a common sense nature, bearing in mind the interest and safety of all concerned.

We believe that it is of greater long-term benefit to promote positive than to punish negative behaviour, while recognising that some negative behaviour must be punished. Staff, pupils and parents have worked to review and re-design our behaviour management policy. We have a clearly set out framework for all to understand, with rewards for positive behaviour and clear sanctions for those who find it difficult to fit in with the agreed rules. There are some areas where there will be a zero-tolerance of unacceptable behaviour. These areas would cover bullying, violence and safety.

Our school ‘golden rules’ are as follows:-

  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself
  • Listen to whoever is speaking
  • Respect people and property
  • Have good manners
  • Be kind and helpful
  • Don’t disturb others when they are working


Children’s wellbeing is at the heart of Getting it Right for Every Child. This means focusing on the wellbeing of every child to ensure they are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included (the wellbeing indicators).

If a pupil’s behaviour prevents others from feeling safe or respected, they may (if behaviour persists after a verbal warning) be withdrawn from their current activity or physical location. Persistent unacceptable or violent behaviour will be reported to the Head Teacher and the responsible pupil’s parents/carers will be informed.


Argyll and Bute’s Anti-Bullying Policy may be viewed at:

Celebrating Achievement

Children work hardest when they know their work will be appreciated and praised.  All staff encourage pupils at all times and in all activities to give their best.  Their effort may be rewarded verbally by praise, or non-verbally by a smiley face or sticker.

The whole school celebrates achievement by giving certificates to award pupils for good work, effort or kindness shown to others.