Strath of Appin Primary School is a modern, single storey school, completed in 1975. It is built to an open-plan design with two classrooms and a nursery. It is well resourced with facilities which include its own kitchen and dining area. The most northerly school in mainland Argyll and Bute, it is only 4 miles from the boundary with Highland Council.
There are currently 25 primary pupils on the school roll. Our school has 2 English medium classes P1-P3 (4 pupils) and P4-P7 (9 pupils) and a Gaelic Medium with 14 pupils. We have 4 teachers (full-time and part-time), 3 classroom support assistants, 1 secretary, 1 catering manager, 1 kitchen assistant and 1 janitor/cleaner. In our nursery there are 3 Child Care and Education workers and 8 nursery children.
Latest news...
In the coming months we will be consulting with pupils, parents, carers and partners on a number of items, this partnership work is aimed at ensuring our vision and values of the school are current, relevant and meaningful to our school community and context.
This week we asked parents and carers if they felt there was/is a need for a separate parent council for GME or if the current council fairly represents the diversity of the whole school. Please feel free to send any comments to the enquirers email. Thank you.
This week we also spoke to all the children about lunchtime clubs and the things that would make the school grounds even better. The findings will be shared next week.
We would like to invite you to a meeting in the school on Thursday 18th January at 3:30-4:15 to learn about the current consultation on the education service. If you are unable to attend in person there is a link which can be sent to you (contact enquiries email address). Alternatively the presentation and survey link can be sent to you post the event.
Rights Respecting Schools
Last week we completed a questionnaire sent out by The Children and Young People’s Commissioner for Scotland, Nicola Killean. Our responses will be submitted and included with those from other children across Scotland, and will help form the Commissioner’s Strategic Plan for 2024-2028.
Every pupil in school and ELC has been given a ‘Pocket Book of Children’s Rights’ which is theirs to keep. We hope you will take some time to look through the little book with your child/ children. Robbie, our Rights Respecting Schools teddy has already visited some of our school families and will continue his tour over the next couple of weeks.
Strath of Appin Primary School is committed to placing the UN convention on the rights of the Child at the heart of their ethos and
Secondary School Registration
Sustrans Big Pedal/Walk
Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel 2023 The aim of the challenge is to promote active journeys to school. Walking journeys, scooter journeys and cycling journeys
Contact Us
Head Teacher: Mrs Natalie White
Strath Of Appin Primary School
PA38 4BG
Tel: 01631 730 345